Pamela's Website

Welcome to my site!

Hello, my name is Pamela, Welcome to my site! I'm a freelance artist from Chile, I speak Spanish and English, and I like to draw!

Welcome to my site!

Hello, my name is Pamela, Welcome to my site! I'm a freelance artist from Chile, I speak Spanish and English, and I like to draw!

Site Updates:
June 2th | 2024:
New Journal entry, New Art uploaded!
March 30th | 2024:
New Journal page, New Art uploaded, New Layout as well!
March 09th | 2024:
New Journal page, New Art uploaded
February 25th | 2024:
New Journal entry and New art uploaded!
February 18th | 2024:
New Arts uploaded!
February 3r | 2024:
January 15th | 2024:
New Journal entry and new art on 2024 art gallery!
January 6th | 2024:
Added commission artwork from 2018 to 2020!
December 27th | 2023:
Brotherhood's Twist comic is finished! and also available here! 🎉 + Journal Entry
December 11th | 2023:
Announced the first time opening of my Ko-fi shop! for now I want to sell things inside my country, but I have plans on selling outside for the future!
December 05th | 2023:
New Journal entry and made a Holiday layout! 🎄
November 24th | 2023:
Added some more stamps to my About page and added a Credit/Resources page!
November 12th | 2023:
Added a bulletin board on the middle, with a to do list and ideas I may want to try to do someday, also new art added!
November 04th | 2023:
New Journal Entry and New art posted on this year folder.
31th of October | 2023:

Comic repost on comics page!

28th of October | 2023:

Fixed up some stuff on Commission page!

24th of October | 2023:

Just trying to make the layout more phone friendly (??) I'm still experimenting a bit 😅

17th of October | 2023:

Added a Megaman fan art page, some new art to the gallery of this year, modified the look of grid galleries a bit, and a new journal entry!

9th of October | 2023:

Modified the CSS to look more Halloween themed! mostly the home page has more halloween things though XD

5th of October | 2023:

Changed the layout again! lol I also changed a bit my CSS, trying to put all color related codes at the beginning so it's easier for me to change whenever I want! Also new Journal entry!

16th of September | 2023:

changed the layout of the main gallery a bit, and added a slideshow too! also changed the color of the links

12th of September | 2023:

I added 3 buttons on the Gallery, they'll lead to different themed galleries, So far the Original characters page is available!

Also New Journal entry!

7th of September | 2023:

Added new art and new content to the Comics page, as well as I edited it's layout and the Gallery layout a bit.

1st of September | 2023:

So in the end I wasn't super convinced of the previous layout 😅, I realized it was too long and it was kind of annoying that you had to scroll 2 times on it, like scroll inside the main content layout and then outside of it to keep looking to what's under, so I changed that for most pages, the comic ones haven't changed them yet.

but well I really like the lattest art slideshow on the side!

27th of August | 2023:

Updated the layout! About, Gallery and Journal page updated as well and added a commission page! more on the newest Journal entry!

19th of August | 2023:

I'm trying to add a comment box here, I'm trying to use Virtual Observer's, and I also added some stickers on the Journal page and here to decorate a bit more.

EDIT: it didn't work 😆 well.. I also tried this HTML box thing, it's less customisable though!

13th of August | 2023:

New Journal entry! and Edited some stuff on the main Gallery page!

12th of August | 2023:

Fixed the slides on the art of this year, and added a comic page! with some short comics as well!

10th of August | 2023:

I added a main gallery page, with some featured art, a thing for my lattest art, my lattest speedpaint video and a small directory of my art by year, although right now the only one available it's the 2023 art.

7th of August | 2023:

Added a bullet background to the content boxes and I added an illustration page! EDIT: forgot to add the new page on the navigation bar lol

5th of August | 2023:

Made the layout more compact, added new pictures on lattest art, customized the scrollbar and added some more pictures around, to make the site more personalized, I'm still thinking on what else to put around to make the site feel less empty

1st of August | 2023:

I managed to put a slideshow thingie! this is so useful! I want to use it for a gallery and maybe some day for comics! I tried making a modal too but I couldn't make it work for more than 1 picture XD, may try it again someday.

31th of July | 2023:

I Prettied up a bit the site, and added an about page where you can find other places I post stuff, I still haven't set up an illustration gallery but I put some images of my lattest art here, if you hover over them, you can zoom in a bit.

29th of July | 2023:

I managed to put stuff on the right! I also learned about flex funcions, a bit as well about making the overflow visible and invisible on hover, and also to transform images to zoom in a bit when on hover

I had seen a but of the Modals, and I'm very interested on that property, specially for galleries, but looks like I'll have to learn about Javascript.

24th of July | 2023:

I managed to learn how to make different content boxes and tag them as such, currenly made one for Header, Footer, navigation bar, updates and status. However the navigation is not working by the moment as I still don't have pages XD. just the main one.

I also added scroll bars, and some rules for paragraphs, So I'm very happy with the progress so far, I'm hoping to learn more about images and to create more pages for this site. I'd like to put a latest art on the right and maybe a commment section or a guestbook? not sure, but I'll think about it. I gotta say, at least in my end, my site looks terrible on Chrome?? for some reason is not loading the changes I made, I feel a bit frustrated with that but, anyways!

Newest Art
Featured Art
Featured Comics


  • Illustration Commissions: OPEN
  • Comic page commisions: CLOSED
  • Ko-fi comms: ALL SLOTS SOLD OUT
  • Ko-fi shop:OPEN


Lattest Journal Entries

June 2nd | 2024

Monthy update, just life stuff

May 6th | 2024

Monthy update, commission and shop talk

April 7th | 2024

Monthy update, commission and shop talk

March 30th | 2024

End of Month update

March 09th | 2024

Monthly update

To Do List:

Resources/ Credits page
Commission art pages Just needs some more.
Undertale/Deltarune fan art page
Other fan art page
Modify gallery modals
Learn more about accesibility
Learn to add music player
Make night mode and switch style toggle
Bucket of ideas ✏

Just ideas that I may try to work on adding here in the future.

  • Pages for my original characters
  • Blog for my plant and succulent ramblings
  • Page for art tutorials
  • Puzzle page or dress up game page

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